
Announcements and ionic compounds

Today we had LOTS of announcements, so:

Dr. Wallert announced the bi-weekly (that's every other week, not twice a week...) Biochemistry and Biotechnology Seminar Series. There are some very interesting talks and topics planned, so keep them in mind. There are poster hanging around the building, look for the ear of corn with some funny looking kernels for more details.

Tonight is the first meeting of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Club. SL104, 7pm. CBC is a great opportunity to get involved on campus and in the community, and gives you an opportunity to get to know other chemistry and biochemistry majors. There will be pizza and soda...

Keep an eye on the schedule, our first exam is coming up on September 13th...that's less than 2 weeks away. It will cover Chapters 1-3. Don't forget about the calculator rules: no graphing calculators, no sharing calculators, no cell phones, no iPods/iPads. If it's more complex than a basic $15 scientific calculator, it's probably not allowed. If you're not sure, check with me BEFORE the exam.

Today in class we looked at ionic compounds. You will be required to know any polyatomic ion listed in Table 3.7, page 88 of the textbook.

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