
Iron Ore assignment

A couple notes on the Iron Ore hand-ins I've seen so far...

1. Include your Beer's Law plot(s). Your entire data analysis depends upon the Beer's Law plot(s) you made (probably in MSExcel) from the data you collected during the first week of the experiment. If you do not include your Beer's Law plot(s) {Absorbance vs. concentration}, you will not earn many points on this assignment.

2. Explain your answers. The answer to a question is (almost) never just "yes" or "no". Explain why "yes" or "no" is the correct answer. Does the sun come up in the east? Yes, because the rotation of the Earth causes the sun to be visible first in the direction humans have defined as "east".

3. Show calculations. This is related to #2. When you "show" calculations, it is helpful to include a little bit of explanation, not just a sea of numbers that appear to be scattered across the page. Similarly, DO NOT SHOW YOUR CALCULATIONS IN PARAGRAPH FORM! If you're looking for an example of "show calculations", check out some of the exam answer keys I have posted on my website {like http://www.drbodwin.com/teaching/exams/c210ke2ak.pdf}. 

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