
Review day...

Today I answered questions in preparation for the exam on Monday. Be sure to look at the old exams on my web page to get an idea of the exam format and length. The front page of the exam has a periodic table and a number of physcial constants, take a look at what's available. If you have any questions, let me know, I will answer questions to this blog over the weekend.

A few policy/procedure notes/reminders for the exam on Monday:
1. No programmable calculators.
2. No cell phone calculators.
3. There must be at least 1 empty seat between you and your neighbor.
4. Turn off your cell phone. If your phone rings during the exam, you fail the course.
5. You are responsible for the polyatomic ions listed in Table 3.5, p.95 of the Tro textbook.
6. I do not expect you to memorize the whole periodic table, but I expect you to be able to use it. If you look at old exams, you will see that when I refer to an element I will often note the atomic number. This is to make it easier for you to find the element on the periodic table. For example, I don't expect you to know that rutherfordium has the symbol "Rf", but if I tell you that the atomic number of rutherfordium is 104, you should be able to find it very quickly on the periodic table and then be able to use the symbol, atomic mass, etc.

Good luck with your studying, let me know if there are questions.

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